MKT Photography & Events / On Ice Events: Blog en-us (C) MKT Photography & Events / On Ice Events [email protected] (MKT Photography & Events / On Ice Events) Mon, 12 Aug 2024 19:31:00 GMT Mon, 12 Aug 2024 19:31:00 GMT MKT Photography & Events / On Ice Events: Blog 96 120 Exciting New Things!! We are planning to begin  a new information source for all things figure skating!!! While this is still in development, we are interested in learning about what interests you. What would you like to read about? Would you like reports from the competitions we attend? Would you like skater interviews? Would you like a list of competitions in Texas? The USA? Would you like links to register for these events? Information about the latest dresses? What skates are popular? Anything at all!!! Please email us or respond here and tell us what to tell you!!! We are all ears!!!

[email protected] (MKT Photography & Events / On Ice Events) Competition Dallas Dallas FSC Event figure skate Figure skating Figure Skating Club Figure skating photography ice skating MKT Event Photography MKT Events Photography MKT Photo MKT Photography On Ice Events Skate America Skating Team USA Texas Texas Trophy USFSA Fri, 15 Sep 2023 04:40:54 GMT
Have Orders Been Delivered??? Check here to see if orders from a recent competition have been delivered.

If they have and you don't see yours, please check your spam, Junk, Promotions, Archive etc folders. If you still don't see it, email us at [email protected] We are happy to resend. 


LoveBug 2/11/2024: As of 2/11/24 All orders have been delivered via email. 

AlamoSkate, San Antonio 2/16-2/18:  As of 2/18/24 All orders have been filled and delivered via email.

Winterfest, Omaha 2/21-2/26:  As of 2/28/24 All orders have been filled and delivered via email

Houston Invitational 3/7-3/10:  As of 3/10/24 All orders have been filled and delivered via email

Wichita Mid-Continent 3/14-3/17: As of 3/17/24 All orders have been filled and delivered via email

Bluebonnet, Austin 4/17-4/21: As of 4/21/24 All orders have been filled and delivered via email

Pigtail Classic, Arkansas 5/4-5/5: As of 5/6/24 All orders have been filled and delivered via email

Houston Memorial 5/17-5/19: As of 5/19/24 All orders have been filled and delivered via email

Heart of America, Kansas City 5/30-6/3: As of 6/3/24 All orders have been filled and delivered via email

Skate Dallas, Allen 6/6-6/9: As of 6/10/24 All orders have been filled and delivered via email

Dallas Classic, Plano 7/12-7/14:  As of 7/18/24 All orders have been filled and delivered via email

Oklahoma Open 8/23-8/25:

Austin Autumn Classic 9/26-9/29:

Texas Trophy 10/2-10/4:

Bunny Hop, Plano 11/3: 

Midwest Sectional/ Ice Dance Final 11/18-11/24:






[email protected] (MKT Photography & Events / On Ice Events) event photography event videography Figure Skating Competition Figure Skating Competition Videography Figure skating photographer Figure skating photography sports photography Wed, 15 Feb 2023 00:14:27 GMT
Boston Globe article Kate Fleming and Jedidiah Isbell  

Boston Globe Article

Kate Fleming and Jedidiah IsbellKate Fleming and Jedidiah IsbellFleming and Isbell have come a long way as a team.

It is always so exciting to get updates on the skaters we have photographed. We Love to share your success stories. Check out this article from the Boston Globe about skaters Kate Fleming and Jedidiah Isbell.



[email protected] (MKT Photography & Events / On Ice Events) event photography event videography Figure Skating Competition Figure Skating Competition Videography Figure skating photographer Figure skating photography Figure skating videographer figure skating videography ice skating ice skating photo ice skating video IJS IJS Video photographer photography sports photography USFSA video videographer videography Tue, 03 Mar 2020 17:45:47 GMT
Should I Hire a Professional Photographer to Document My Event?  

If you’re on the fence about whether or not to hire someone to photograph your event, consider these reasons:


Let’s say the event is a family reunion and you want to get a group photo of the whole family. You could do it yourself, but one of two things could happen then. A) You have someone take the photo for you, leaving a family member out of the photo because they had to take it. This could possibly offend that person or make them feel awkward for being excluded. Or B) You set a timer on your camera. This can be problematic because there are so many people in the photo that you will need to take several images to make sure everyone is looking and has their eyes open. You will have to take two to three times as long to get the photos done because you’ll have to keep resetting the timer, and you still might not have gotten the shot. Hiring a professional will eliminate all of this stress.


I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to go around all night taking selfies with my phone or camera with all of my friends and family members. I would much prefer to relax and enjoy the moment instead of trying to capture it. The quality of the photos will be much better than the selfies. Also, trying to take a selfie with a group of people is next to impossible when trying to get everyone inside the frame.


If the event is a birthday party, you don’t want to miss out on visiting with guests or helping your child open presents or cut the cake because you are too busy trying to take the photos. You want to be part of the action, not stuck behind the camera.


Another great thing about hiring a professional is that you don’t have to worry about editing and distributing the photos after the event is over. You just have to wait to receive them from your photographer.


Finally, it’s really a gift to have well lit photographs taking by a professional who preserve the memory of your event. Those images are going to be cherished by everyone for a very long time to come.

[email protected] (MKT Photography & Events / On Ice Events) dance photography event photography hire a photographer newborn photography sports photography Tue, 15 May 2018 18:17:33 GMT